Lab Reports

Third Party Lab Reports

Our products are all tested by third-party labs to ensure quality and to make sure you know exactly what’s in them. 

We currently use a quality assurance lab based in Florida, due to their years of experience and their rapid response time. Here’s our process:

  1. We develop a product, working with local and regional hemp farmers and CBD processing labs
  2. We do our own people-tested (us, friends, family) quality control, to ensure our gummies, oils, chocolates, and healing balms hit all the senses in just the right way: touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound (well, not sure about that one, but you get the idea)
  3. We send a sample of the CBD oil and/or Delta 9 THC to the quality assurance lab. they do all the testing, write up a lab report, and send it back to us, which we share with you on this website
  4. We also use observation, feedback, and the scientific method (inquiry, experimentation, revision, and so on) to continuously hone and fine-tune our processes, to ensure that we are upholding our commitment to bringing only the highest quality, hand crafted CBD + THC products to you